This summer, the LEGO Super Mario series 71439 is officially released in August. This LEGO Super Mario toy set (71439) allows children to experience hours of adventures with interactive LEGO Mario, including fighting for Bowser Jr.'s clown car.
Theme - Super Mario
Age - 6+
Box size - 28 cm long, 26 cm wide, 5 cm high
Finished product size - 3 cm high, 10 cm wide and 8 cm deep
Building time - 1~2 hours
Official price - $49.99 / 49,99€
Official release time - 2024-08-01 ~ 2026-12-31
Building fun
(1) 4 LEGO® Super Mario™ characters
What's different is that the characters can also interact. There is a switch button on the back of the doll, which is very convenient; there are vivid sleep sound effects that can simulate the sleep state; and there are a variety of rich and diverse interactive reactions.
(2) Adventure Playset
Start at the starting pipe, say hello to Yoshi, defeat Goomba, step on the bricks, fight Cooter Jr., and complete the level at the finish pole.
(3) Battle for Cooter Jr. Clownship
Help LEGO® Mario™ throw Cooter Jr. off the balancing platform and his Cooter Jr. Clownship, defeat him, then jump on the ship and fly away.